Favorite Homeschool Podcasts
Here's a quick post for all my newbie homeschooling friends (and their friends!)! If you're searching for homeschool...
Week One is DONE! ;-)
Yep, it's official: WE'VE BEGUN OUR SEVENTH YEAR OF HOMESCHOOLING! Cue the confetti! (I wasn't able to get a photo of all 3 of them...
Lightsabers & Piles of Sticks, Massive Forts & Lego Bricks
I'm surrounded by evidence of BOYS in our house. Nerf darts are buried under the couch cushions, sticks are piled in the garage "just in...
Pure Sunshine!
This little angel is PURE SUNSHINE, friends! We never thought we'd have another baby at our ages, but OH MY GOODNESS.... we're so...
Tips for "Seasonal" Homeschoolers (i.e., Those Peeps who are Homeschooling During Covid-19 Only)
This post is for all my sweet friends who are pleading (through tears!) for homeschool advice ASAP. Since everyone seems to be asking the...