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Family First - A Reminder for MYSELF

This post is just a simple reminder for me, myself, and I. But, other Lyme folks might be able to relate to this as well. ;-)

I detest (strong word, I know - but the intensity is real) being “the sick one” and I live in fear of being called lazy. I will just about kill myself in an effort to prove that I’m perfectly NORMAL - that I can keep pace with ANYONE in ANY given area (homeschooling, errands, laundry, dishes, serving, etc.) because I'm so afraid that folks will think I'm WEAK or LAZY if I'm doing less than others (and let's be honest, that's just pathetic competitive pride, right?!). And really, how dumb is that?!?! I know that I don’t have to prove anything to anyone (especially since my family and friends love me unconditionally). I do, however, have an obligation to care for those in my home - my wonderful husband and my sweet (sometimes crazy!) children really need me. And running myself ragged (to the point where I’m having seizures and unable to stand without passing out) is just plain STUPID. So I’m typing this little post - just for myself - as a reminder to CHILL. And to put my family ahead of my pride. Even if I end up appearing "lazy" or "weak," it's PERFECTLY OKAY to pull back on the reins in order to save time/energy/love for my sweet family. It's OKAY to do less (way, way, wayyyyyy less) for the rest of the world right now.

Lord, please help me to remember what's MOST important. And thank you for the amazing people who live under this roof!

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