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Staying in touch...

Some of our friends and families might be wondering why we started a blog. And, really, why now, when we have our hands full with lyme stuff and kids and such??? So, here are a few of the reasons:

REASON #1: FAMILY UPDATES - Family is our number one priority, and we want to try our best to stay connected across the miles. We're hoping this simple blog will enable us to share more of our craziness with those we love (and by "craziness," we mean family adventures, lyme updates, and homeschool tidbits). This hodgepodge of a collection is simply a window into our world. Feel free to "look in" as often as you'd like. (Of course we're still hoping to share as much as possible in person too, but traveling can be tough sometimes.) We miss everyone!

REASON #2: TO HELP OTHER FOLKS WITH TICK-BORNE DISEASES - We've gained so much encouragement and insight from other lyme bloggers (especially recently!) that we'd like to offer something in return. We'll try to share what's helped, what hasn't helped, daily struggles (because sometimes you just want to know that you're not alone), recent news, links to our favorite resources, etc.

REASON #3: TO SERVE THE HOMESCHOOL COMMUNITY - My heart is to serve (Mer speaking), and that's nearly impossible right now. Although I can't serve our homeschool community in the way I'd hoped to serve this year, I can offer a few glimpses into our day-to-day lessons and such. Those who contact me are usually looking for ideas and/or encouragement, so I'll try to offer a few tidbits through this blog.

REASON #4: TO DOCUMENT OUR FAMILY'S SHENANIGANS - While we always want to train our boys to look ahead, it's still sweet to remember the adventures that we've had along the way. And sometimes we need more than a simple Instagram picture to capture the moment; sometimes we need the whole story too. ;-)

That's it, folks! Feel free to read (or not read!) our stories. We hope and pray that ALL of you are enjoying some wonderful adventures this year. We look forward to catching up with everyone SOON! Much love to our friends and families on the east coast!!!

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